We are running on Laravel 6 and we have got the following problem. A job we execute, that counts the number of impressions and clics of certain images triggers the following error, due to a high number of calls to the function:
method_exists(): The script tried to execute a method or access a
property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class
definition "AppJobsRegisterHouseLog" of the object you are trying to
operate on was loaded before unserialize() gets called or provide an
autoloader to load the class definition
We already increased the number of tries so it executes after sometime, so it's not the actual problem, but it sends an error to our error logs (Slack Channel) and causes a lot of "spam".
I was trying to fix the above error but I wasn't able to fix it, so at least I tried to "mute" the notification through an "failed job exception" but still to it fails.
The best would be to resolve the actual problem, the second best would be to mute it.
Anyone could help?
The Job:
namespace AppJobs;
use AppHouseLog;
use IlluminateBusQueueable;
use IlluminateContractsQueueShouldQueue;
use IlluminateFoundationBusDispatchable;
use IlluminateQueueInteractsWithQueue;
use IlluminateQueueSerializesModels;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesLog;
use Exception;
class RegisterHouseLog implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
public $tries = 20;
public $house_id;
public $user_id;
public $date;
public $type;
* Create a new job instance.
* @return void
public function __construct($house_id,$user_id,$type, $date)
$this->house_id = $house_id;
$this->user_id = $user_id;
$this->type = $type;
$this->date = $date;
* Execute the job.
* @return void
public function handle()
$log = new HouseLog();
$log->user_id = $this->user_id;
$log->house_id = $this->house_id;
$log->type = $this->type;
$log->date = $this->date;
public function failed(Exception $exception)
Log::critical('Failed Register House');
And the call:
namespace AppHttpControllersapi;
use AppHouseLog;
use IlluminateHttpRequest;
use AppHttpControllersController;
use AppJobsRegisterHouseLog;
use CarbonCarbon;
class HouseLogController extends Controller
public function registerLog(Request $request)
$date = Carbon::now();
RegisterHouseLog::dispatch($request->house_id, $request->user_id, $request->type, $date);
Thanks a lot!!