CAPL API offers a way to start RT configurations, if they were previously download to an RT device. For instance:
dword StandaloneConfigOpen(CHAR rtcfgFileName[], dword stopCurrentMeasurement, dword startNewMeasurement, dword returnToActiveConfig)
Opens the RTCFG file with the given name as
standalone configuration.
- The given standalone configuration file must have been downloaded to the device before.
- The command is only allowed while standalone mode is activated.
- If standalone measurement is currently running the command is deferred until end of measurement (unless overwritten by another
subsequent open command).
- If standalone measurement is not running but standalone mode is activated the file is loaded (and indicated in the Standalone Manager
GUI) but measurement is not started automatically.
If you need to execute more complex operations, or open a non-RT configuration, you'll have to rely on COM components or write your own routines.