A thread time slice in Windows is 40ms, iirc, so that might be a good number to use as the 100% mark.
unsigned const TIME_SLICE = 40;
float const PI = 3.14159265358979323846f;
for(unsigned x=0; x!=360; ++x)
float t = sin(static_cast<float>(x)/180*PI)*0.5f + 0.5f;
DWORD busy_time = static_cast<DWORD>(t*TIME_SLICE);
DWORD wait_start = GetTickCount();
while(GetTickCount() - wait_start < busy_time)
Sleep(TIME_SLICE - busy_time);
This would give a period of about 14 seconds. Obviously this assumes there is no other significant cpu usage in the system, and that you are only running it on a single CPU. Neither of these is really that common in reality.