I am defining a breakdown for a battery pack.
Packs are made of one or more Modules.
Modules are made of 6 Cells.
I have been able to get the pack information minus the repeated modules.
Would love the help with understanding encode/decode and verifying that my schema is laid out correctly.
Thanks in advance!!!
syntax = "proto2";
package TeslaBMS;
message Pack {
optional string packName = 1
required int32 numberOfModules = 2;
required float currentVoltage = 3;
required float averagePacktemp = 4;
repeated Module modules = 5;
message Module {
required int32 id = 1;
required float moduleVoltage = 2;
required float moduleTemp = 3;
required float lowestCellVolt = 4;
required float highestCellVolt = 5;
repeated Cell cells = 6;
message Cell{
required int32 cellId = 1;
required float cellVolt = 2;
required string balanceState = 3;
Which produces these Struct defs
/* Struct definitions */
typedef struct _TeslaBMS_Pack {
pb_callback_t packName;
int32_t numberOfModules;
float currentVoltage;
float averagePacktemp;
pb_callback_t modules;
} TeslaBMS_Pack;
typedef struct _TeslaBMS_Pack_Cell {
int32_t cellId;
float cellVolt;
pb_callback_t balanceState;
} TeslaBMS_Pack_Cell;
typedef struct _TeslaBMS_Pack_Module {
int32_t id;
float moduleVoltage;
float moduleTemp;
float lowestCellVolt;
float highestCellVolt;
pb_callback_t cells;
} TeslaBMS_Pack_Module;
Here is what I have for my encode/decode based on examples I could find.
void encoder(){
// Setup pack message
TeslaBMS_Pack mypack = TeslaBMS_Pack_init_zero;
// Setup module message
TeslaBMS_Pack_Module myModule = TeslaBMS_Pack_Module_init_zero;
// Setup cell message
TeslaBMS_Pack_Module_Cell myCells = TeslaBMS_Pack_Module_Cell_init_zero;
// stream to write buffer
pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
// mypack.packName = userinput yet to be defined
mypack.averagePacktemp = bms.getAvgTemperature();
mypack.currentVoltage = bms.getPackVoltage();
printf("Pack Voltage:
printf(" %.3f
", mypack.currentVoltage);
printf("Average Temp:
printf(" %.3f
", mypack.averagePacktemp);
mypack.numberOfModules = bms.getNumOfModules();
// get module val?
// for(int i = 0; i < mypack.numberOfModules; i++){
// BMSModule currentMod = bms.getModules(i);
// myModule.id = i;
// myModule.moduleVoltage = currentMod.getAverageV();
// myModule.highestCellVolt = currentMod.getHighCellV();
// myModule.lowestCellVolt = currentMod.getLowCellV();
// myModule.moduleTemp = currentMod.getAvgTemp();
// }
// modules
if (!(pb_encode_submessage(&stream, TeslaBMS_Pack_Module_fields, &mypack.modules))){
printf("pb_encode_submessage Failed!
// cells
// (! pb_encode_submessage(&ostream, TeslaBMS_Pack_Module_Cell_fields, &mypack.modules.cells)){
// printf("pb_encode_submessage Failed!
// return;
// }
if (!(status = pb_encode(&stream, TeslaBMS_Pack_fields, &mypack))){
// message_length = ostream.bytes_written;
/* Then just check for any errors.. */
printf("Encoding failed: %s
", PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
TeslaBMS_Pack mypack = TeslaBMS_Pack_init_default;
/* Create a stream that reads from the buffer. */
pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(buffer, message_length);
/* Now we are ready to decode the message. */
status = pb_decode(&stream, TeslaBMS_Pack_fields, &mypack);
/* Check for errors... */
if (!status)
printf(" Decoding failed: %s
", PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
/* Print the data contained in the message. */
printf("********MESSAGE FROM NANOPB!*********
// printf("Pack Name: ", myPack.packName);
printf("Pack Voltage:
printf(" %.3f
", mypack.currentVoltage);
printf("Average Temp:
printf(" %.3f
", mypack.averagePacktemp);
printf("Number of Modules:
//TODO: add a conditional to display the number of modules only if more than one.
printf(" %.3f
", mypack.numberOfModules);
// for (TeslaBMS_Pack_Module mod : TeslaBMS_Pack_Module_fields.){
// printf("Pack Voltage:
// printf(" %.3f
", mypack.currentVoltage);
// printf("Average Temp:
// printf(" %.3f
", mypack.averagePacktemp);
// printf("Number of Modules:
// printf(" %.3f
", mypack.numberOfModules);
// // }
" );