Use the following set of commands to identify the process running on a given port and to termiate it from the command line
sudo fuser -v 5000/tcp // gives you the process running on port 5000
It will output details similar to the one shown below
5000/tcp: almypal 20834 F.... node
Then use
sudo fuser -vk 5000/tcp
to terminate the process. Check once again using
sudo fuser -v 5000/tcp
to ensure that the process has terminated.
On Windows you could use the following steps
C:> tasklist // will show the list of running process'
Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
System 4 console 0 236 K
node.exe 3592 console 0 8440 k
Note the PID corresponding to your node process, in this case 3592. Next run taskkill to terminate the process.
C:> taskkill /F /PID 3592
Or /IM switch
C:> taskkill /F /IM node.exe