As I commented above, pure batch is horrible at date math. Here's a hybrid batch / JScript script that'll compute the age of a file (edit: or directory) pretty easily. No need to worry about hour rollovers, day changes, daylight savings time, or any of that other garbage. It's all easy peasy lemon squeeze-y based on milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970.
@if (@CodeSection==@Batch) @then
:: age.bat filename.ext
:: get age of file in minutes
@echo off
if "%~1"=="" echo Usage: age.bat filename.ext && goto :EOF
if not exist "%~1" echo %1 not found. && goto :EOF
for /f %%I in ('cscript /nologo /e:JScript "%~f0" "%~1"') do (
echo %1 is %%I minutes old.
rem :: Now use "if %%I gtr 4" here to take whatever actions you wish
rem :: on files that are over 4 minutes old.
goto :EOF
:: end batch portion / begin JScript
var fso = new ActiveXObject("scripting.filesystemobject"),
arg = WSH.Arguments(0),
file = fso.FileExists(arg) ? fso.GetFile(arg) : fso.GetFolder(arg);
// Use either DateCreated, DateLastAccessed, or DateLastModified.
// See
// for more info.
var age = new Date() - file.DateLastModified;
WSH.Echo(Math.floor(age / 1000 / 60));
For more information on batch / JScript hybrid scripts, see this GitHub page. The style used above is similar to Hybrid.bat on that page.