I think - originally - this information was not provided because any API that provided this info would be misleading and useless.
Consider two possible cases - the current thread has suspended the thread-of-interest. Code in the current thread knows about the suspended state and should be able to share it so theres no need for the kernel team to add an API.
The 2nd case, some other / a 3rd thread in the system has suspended the thread of interest (and theres no way to track which thread that was). Now you have a race condition - that other thread could, at any time - unsuspend the thread of interest and the information gleaned from the API is useless - you have a value indicating the thread is suspended when it is in fact, not.
Moral of the story - if you want to know that a thread is suspended - suspend it: The return value from SuspendThread is the previous suspend count of the thread. And now you DO know something useful - The thread WAS AND STILL IS suspended - which is useful. Or that it WASN't (but now is) suspended. Either way, the thread's state is now deterministically known so you can in theory make some intelligent choices based on that - whether to ResumeThread, or keep it suspended.