Either you know what that entire list is, or you follow the HTML5 rules for when &
is valid without being escaped (e.g. when followed by a space) or otherwise always escape &
as &
whenever in doubt.
AElig, AMP, Aacute, Acirc, Agrave, Aring, Atilde, Auml, COPY, Ccedil,
ETH, Eacute, Ecirc, Egrave, Euml, GT, Iacute, Icirc, Igrave, Iuml, LT,
Ntilde, Oacute, Ocirc, Ograve, Oslash, Otilde, Ouml, QUOT, REG, THORN,
Uacute, Ucirc, Ugrave, Uuml, Yacute, aacute, acirc, acute, aelig,
agrave, amp, aring, atilde, auml, brvbar, ccedil, cedil, cent, copy,
curren, deg, divide, eacute, ecirc, egrave, eth, euml, frac12, frac14,
frac34, gt, iacute, icirc, iexcl, igrave, iquest, iuml, laquo, lt,
macr, micro, middot, nbsp, not, ntilde, oacute, ocirc, ograve, ordf,
ordm, oslash, otilde, ouml, para, plusmn, pound, quot, raquo, reg,
sect, shy, sup1, sup2, sup3, szlig, thorn, times, uacute, ucirc,
ugrave, uml, uuml, yacute, yen, yuml
However, it should be noted that only when in an attribute value, named character references in the above list are not processed as such by conforming HTML5 parsers if the next character is a =
or a alphanumeric ASCII character.
For the full list of named character references with or without ending semicolons, see here.