I have to implement the following system on-premise and looking for the right software solution:
- Thousands of nodes at different location collecting telemetry, mainly traffic stats by protocol and performance metrics like node cpu, mem utilization etc.
- These stats needs to be sent every several seconds over network to a central repository. Every node sends several records of stats looking like: timestap, metric1,metric2... metricN. I can live with a record being lost every now and then.
- These records need to be enriched before storage with added meta data like the cities where node resides, the customer they belong to so the final record would look like:
timestamp, city, customer,... metric1,metric2... metricN
- A webapp queries the data store to present graphs of metrics vs time based on aggregations by customer, city, node etc.
I know there are a lot of tools set to accomplish this task but a looking for a combination that would work well together. I'm looking for a solution that would include:
- A tool for transporting the data from the nodes to the central repo in an encrypted manner
- A tool to efficiently enrich the data (most of enrichment is based on static 1:1 matches or range matches)
- A timeseries store for holding the data and allowing efficient queries by time & metadata