The C99 standard does not specify if the three standard streams are unbuffered or line buffered: It is up to the implementation. All UNIX implementations I know have a line buffered stdin
. On Linux, stdout
in line buffered and stderr
As far as I know, POSIX does not impose additional restrictions. POSIX's fflush page does note in the EXAMPLES section:
[...] The fflush() function is used because standard output is usually buffered and the prompt may not immediately be printed on the output or terminal.
So the remark that you add fflush(stdout);
is correct.
An alternative could be to make stdout
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
/* or */
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
But as R. notes you can only do this once, and it must be before you write to stdout
or perform any other operantion on it. (C99 2)
I just read a recent thread on comp.lang.c
about the same thing. One of the remarks:
Unix convention is that stdin
and stdout
are line-buffered when associated with a terminal, and fully-buffered (aka block-buffered) otherwise. stderr
is always unbuffered.