Well, I tried to measure it up with the code below:
For runs = 1 and iterations = 1 the URL method is fastest most times followed by channel. I run this with some pause fresh about 10 times. So for one time access, using the URL is the fastest way I can think of:
LENGTH sum: 10626, per Iteration: 10626.0
CHANNEL sum: 5535, per Iteration: 5535.0
URL sum: 660, per Iteration: 660.0
For runs = 5 and iterations = 50 the picture draws different.
LENGTH sum: 39496, per Iteration: 157.984
CHANNEL sum: 74261, per Iteration: 297.044
URL sum: 95534, per Iteration: 382.136
File must be caching the calls to the filesystem, while channels and URL have some overhead.
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
public enum FileSizeBench {
public long getResult() throws Exception {
File me = new File(FileSizeBench.class.getResource(
return me.length();
public long getResult() throws Exception {
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
File me = new File(FileSizeBench.class.getResource(
fis = new FileInputStream(me);
return fis.getChannel().size();
} finally {
public long getResult() throws Exception {
InputStream stream = null;
try {
URL url = FileSizeBench.class
stream = url.openStream();
return stream.available();
} finally {
public abstract long getResult() throws Exception;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int runs = 5;
int iterations = 50;
EnumMap<FileSizeBench, Long> durations = new EnumMap<FileSizeBench, Long>(FileSizeBench.class);
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
for (FileSizeBench test : values()) {
if (!durations.containsKey(test)) {
durations.put(test, 0l);
long duration = testNow(test, iterations);
durations.put(test, durations.get(test) + duration);
// System.out.println(test + " took: " + duration + ", per iteration: " + ((double)duration / (double)iterations));
for (Map.Entry<FileSizeBench, Long> entry : durations.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " sum: " + entry.getValue() + ", per Iteration: " + ((double)entry.getValue() / (double)(runs * iterations)));
private static long testNow(FileSizeBench test, int iterations)
throws Exception {
long result = -1;
long before = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
if (result == -1) {
result = test.getResult();
} else if ((result = test.getResult()) != result) {
throw new Exception("variance detected!");
return (System.nanoTime() - before) / 1000;