Maybe this is the same as your solution, but I wrote a factory
to convert plain old functions into functions that capture their values, errors, and warnings, so I can
test <- function(i)
switch(i, "1"=stop("oops"), "2"={ warning("hmm"); i }, i)
res <- lapply(1:3, factory(test))
with each element of the result containing the value, error, and / or warnings. This would work with user functions, system functions, or anonymous functions (factory(function(i) ...)
). Here's the factory
factory <- function(fun)
function(...) {
warn <- err <- NULL
res <- withCallingHandlers(
tryCatch(fun(...), error=function(e) {
err <<- conditionMessage(e)
}), warning=function(w) {
warn <<- append(warn, conditionMessage(w))
list(res, warn=warn, err=err)
and some helpers for dealing with the result list
.has <- function(x, what)
!sapply(lapply(x, "[[", what), is.null)
hasWarning <- function(x) .has(x, "warn")
hasError <- function(x) .has(x, "err")
isClean <- function(x) !(hasError(x) | hasWarning(x))
value <- function(x) sapply(x, "[[", 1)
cleanv <- function(x) sapply(x[isClean(x)], "[[", 1)