The easiest option is to add the "task" to the "queue". The queue can be a table in the database with timestamps and chat id, when and to whom to send a message. Start another process, for example, which is started by cron, and it works for one minute. During that minute, he goes to the database and checks to see if there is something that needs to be sent now.
Crontab config
Open crontab
sudo crontab -e
Add next string
* * * * * php /path/to/cron.php >> /path/to/log/file/for/debug.log 2>&1
Cron run your script every 1 minute.
Cron.php "live" 60 second
$now = time();
$expectedTime = $now + 60;
while (true) {
if ($expectedTime < time()) {
Where Worker::run() your method, which get records from db, check timestamp and send message