Below is an example of R code that works. Please note: your interest in ROC implies there are only two classes.
Predict <- function(class_obj, newdata, Param) {
if(Param$method == 'RF') {
Predicted_Probs <- predict(class_obj, newdata = newdata, type = 'prob')
} else if(Param$method == 'GBM') {
Predicted_Probs <- predict(class_obj, newdata = newdata, type = 'response', n.trees = Param$n.trees)[,,1]
} else if(Param$method == 'SVM') {
Predicted_Probs <- predict(class_obj, newdata = newdata, type = 'probabilities')
} else if(Param$method == 'logit') {
Predicted_Probs <- predict(class_obj, newdata = newdata, type = 'response')
Predicted_Probs <- cbind(1 - Predicted_Probs, Predicted_Probs)
} else {
Predict(): unknown classification method.')
AUC <- function(Truth, Predicted_Probs) {
d_Prob <- 0.01
Prob_Grid <- seq(1, 0, -d_Prob)
NP <- length(Prob_Grid)
True_Positive_Rate <- c()
False_Positive_Rate <- c()
for(Prob_Threshold in Prob_Grid) {
Forecast <- as.factor( c(0, 1, 1 * (Predicted_Probs >= Prob_Threshold)) )
levels(Forecast) <- c('0', '1')
Forecast <- Forecast[-c(1,2)]
Table <- xtabs(~Truth + Forecast)
False_Positive_Rate <- c(False_Positive_Rate, Table[1,2] / (Table[1,1] + Table[1,2]))
True_Positive_Rate <- c(True_Positive_Rate, Table[2,2] / (Table[2,1] + Table[2,2]))
AUC <- 0
for(i in 2:NP) {
AUC <- AUC + True_Positive_Rate[i] * (False_Positive_Rate[i] - False_Positive_Rate[i-1])
Please note: the code is quite generic and can be applied to many methods, like support vector machines, gradient boosting, random forests, etc. Hopefully, it is straightforward to modify the code to your needs.