The solution I came up with can be summarized as follows:
- Convert the original image into grayscale and binarize through Otsu's method.
- Compute the connected components of the binary image.
- Select the largest region.
- Determine the extreme coordinates of that region.
import numpy as np
from skimage import io
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
img = io.imread('')[:, :, :3]
gray = rgb2gray(img)
thresholded = gray > threshold_otsu(gray)
labels = label(thresholded, background=1)
props = measure.regionprops(labels)
largest = sorted(props, key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True)[0]
top = np.where(largest.coords[:, 0] == largest.coords[:, 0].min())
bottom = np.where(largest.coords[:, 0] == largest.coords[:, 0].max())
left = np.where(largest.coords[:, 1] == largest.coords[:, 1].min())
right = np.where(largest.coords[:, 1] == largest.coords[:, 1].max())
extremes = np.concatenate([top[0], bottom[0], left[0], right[0]])
corners = largest.coords[extremes]
The code above relies not only in NumPy but also in scikit-image and is fairly efficient. Please note that this approach returns more than 4 points (you could readily cluster the coordinates to get just 4 points).
In [419]: corners
array([[ 69, 417],
[ 69, 418],
[ 69, 419],
[ 69, 420],
[ 69, 421],
[256, 211],
[256, 212],
[256, 213],
[256, 214],
[101, 187],
[102, 187],
[103, 187],
[104, 187],
[227, 460],
[228, 460],
[229, 460],
[230, 460],
[231, 460],
[232, 460],
[233, 460],
[234, 460],
[235, 460]], dtype=int64)
If you want to obtain a bounding box, you don't need to calculate them manually since the properties returned by regionprops
have a key bbox
that contains the coordinates of the bounding box:
In [420]: largest.bbox
Out[420]: (69, 187, 257, 461)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
patches = [Circle((col, row), radius=25, color='green')
for row, col in corners]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
for p in patches: