By looking at the source code for the Pyttsx3 module on Github, I was able to understand how the onWord callback can be triggered every time a word is spoken through TTS.
def connect(self, topic, cb):
Registers a callback for an event topic. Valid topics and their
associated values:
started-utterance: name=<str>
started-word: name=<str>, location=<int>, length=<int>
finished-utterance: name=<str>, completed=<bool>
error: name=<str>, exception=<exception>
@param topic: Event topic name
@type topic: str
@param cb: Callback function
@type cb: callable
@return: Token to use to unregister
@rtype: dict
arr = self._connects.setdefault(topic, [])
return {'topic': topic, 'cb': cb}
When a user calls Engine.connect("topic", callback), he or she appends to the _connects array a dictionary of the given topic as the key and a callback function as the value. The topic refers to the "events" that the TTS can process.
def _notify(self, topic, **kwargs):
Invokes callbacks for an event topic.
@param topic: String event name
@type topic: str
@param kwargs: Values associated with the event
@type kwargs: dict
for cb in self._connects.get(topic, []):
except Exception:
if self._debug:
The above function actually does the callback function call, and it gets called by
def notify(self, topic, **kwargs):
Sends a notification to the engine from the driver.
@param topic: Notification topic
@type topic: str
@param kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments
@type kwargs: dict
kwargs['name'] = self._name
self._engine._notify(topic, **kwargs)
which gets called by
def speechSynthesizer_willSpeakWord_ofString_(self, tts, rng, text):
self._proxy.notify('started-word', location=rng.location,
or in SAPI5 or espeak depending on the system.
Now that I realize that speechSynthesizer_willSpeakWord_ofString_ is what actually gets called every time a word is spoken through TTS, I want to know how I can modify pyttsx3 so that it can also add speechSynthesizer_willSpeakPhoneme as a valid callback to the "started-phoneme" event. Since this method already exists in NSSpeechSynthesizer I believe it's possible to add this function as a callback in Pyttsx3. Does anyone have ideas?
question from: