I am using this tutorial to learn FluentMigrator https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1012802/Fluent-Migrator-for-Database-Migration I created a db file in my SSMS with the name MyTemp I used the following batch file to execute the problem :C:FluentMigratorDemoFluentMigratorDemopackagesFluentMigrator.1.6.0oolsMigrate.exe /connection "server=PC-AHMEDMOHEB; uid=sa; pwd=123; Database=MyTemp;" /db sqlserver2019 /timeout 600 /target DatabaseMigration.dll pause I changed the the problem build path to be the same as the Migrate.exe to avoid such errors, I am still getting access denied. THe original copy was ..packagesFluentMigrator.1.6.0oolsMigrate.exe /connection "data source=localhost;initial catalog=MyTemp;User ID=sa;Password=******;" /db sqlserver2008 /timeout 600 /target ..DatabaseMigrationinDebugDatabaseMigration.dll pause
C:FluentMigratorDemoFluentMigratorDemopackagesFluentMigrator.1.6.0oolsMigrate.exe /connection "server=PC-AHMEDMOHEB; uid=sa; pwd=123; Database=MyTemp;" /db sqlserver2019 /timeout 600 /target DatabaseMigration.dll pause
..packagesFluentMigrator.1.6.0oolsMigrate.exe /connection "data source=localhost;initial catalog=MyTemp;User ID=sa;Password=******;" /db sqlserver2008 /timeout 600 /target ..DatabaseMigrationinDebugDatabaseMigration.dll pause
I tried some possible security permissions on project level as well as editing local policy. I can replicate this issue in two separate apps on my environment one of the is the project in the url. Those photos are for my db.. Appreciate your help..
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