I am trying to do SVD using the code given below, but I do not get correct results for d_S, when num_Matrices > 128, lets say 256, I get correct results when num_Matrices = 128*128, I am referring to a code based on an answer to a question asked on stack overflow, link is Parallel implementation for multiple SVDs using CUDA.
My code is given below which gives singular values for the first 26 matrices as all 0s.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cublas_v2.h>
#include <cusolverDn.h>
#include "Utilities.cuh"
#include "TimingGPU.cuh"
#define FULLSVD
#define M_SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
__global__ void initSIGPU(cuComplex *SI, float *SDiag, int N, int M, int len, float epsilon);
void initSI(cuComplex *SI, float *SDiag, int N, int M, int len, float epsilon, int threadsPerBlock);
__global__ void initCZeros(cuComplex *in, int len);
void checkArray(cuComplex *ptr, int rows, int cols, const char *name);
void printArray(cuComplex *ptr, int rows, int cols, char mode, const char *name);
cuComplex complexMul(cuComplex a, cuComplex b);
double verifyDecomposition(cuComplex *U, float *S, cuComplex *V, cuComplex *A, int M, int N);
void GPU_Multi(cuComplex **M, cuComplex **N, cuComplex **P,
size_t pr, size_t pc, size_t mc,
size_t num_mat, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex beta);
/* MAIN */
int main() {
const int M = 5;
const int N = 3;
const int K = 2;
int lda = M;
const int numMatrices = 128*3;
//const int numMatrices = 256;
cublasHandle_t cublasHandle = NULL;
/* residual and executed_sweeps are not supported on gesvdjBatched */
//double residual = 0;
int executed_sweeps = 0;
TimingGPU timerGPU;
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
cusolverStatus_t status = CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS;
cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaSuccess;
int major = -1, minor = -1, patch = -1;
cusolverGetProperty(MAJOR_VERSION, &major);
cusolverGetProperty(MINOR_VERSION, &minor);
cusolverGetProperty(PATCH_LEVEL, &patch);
printf("CUSOLVER Version (Major,Minor,PatchLevel): %d.%d.%d
major, minor, patch);
// --- Setting the host matrix
cuComplex *h_A = (cuComplex *)malloc(lda * N * numMatrices * sizeof(cuComplex));
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < numMatrices; k++)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
h_A[k * M * N + j * M + i] = make_float2((rand() * 1.0 + k*0.1)/ RAND_MAX, (rand() * 1.0 + k*0.1) / RAND_MAX); //make_float2((1. / (k + 1)) * (i + j * j) * (i + j), (1. / (k + 1)) * (i + j * j) * (i + j));
//printf("[%d, %d] %f
", i, j, h_A[j*M + i]);
//printf("%f %f ", h_A[j * M + i].x, h_A[j * M + i].y);
printArray(h_A, M, N, 'T', "h_A1");
printArray(h_A + M * N, M, N, 'T', "h_A2");
cuComplex *d_b = NULL;
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void **)&d_b, sizeof(cuComplex) * M * K * numMatrices));
cuComplex *h_b = (cuComplex *)malloc(sizeof(cuComplex) * M * K * numMatrices);
for (int k = 0; k < numMatrices; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < K; j++)
//h_b[i] = make_float2((i + 1) * 1.0, (i + 1) * 1.0);
if ((i == 0) || (i == 1) || (i == 2) || (i == 3) || (i == 4))
h_b[k * M * K + i * K + j] = make_float2(1.0, 0.0);
h_b[k * M * K + i * K + j] = make_float2(2.0, 0.0);
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_b, h_b, sizeof(cuComplex) * M * K * numMatrices, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
printArray(h_b, M, K, 'N', "h_b1");
printArray(h_b + M * K, M, K, 'N', "h_b2");
// --- Setting the device matrix and moving the host matrix to the device
cuComplex *d_A; gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_A, M * N * numMatrices * sizeof(cuComplex)));
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_A, h_A, M * N * numMatrices * sizeof(cuComplex), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
// --- host side SVD results space
float *h_S = (float *)malloc(N * numMatrices * sizeof(float));
cuComplex *h_SI = (cuComplex *)malloc(N * M * numMatrices * sizeof(cuComplex));
cuComplex *h_x = (cuComplex *)malloc(N * numMatrices * sizeof(cuComplex));
cuComplex *h_U = NULL;
cuComplex *h_V = NULL;
#ifdef FULLSVD
h_U = (cuComplex *)malloc(M * M * numMatrices * sizeof(cuComplex));
h_V = (cuComplex *)malloc(N * N * numMatrices * sizeof(cuComplex));
// --- device side SVD workspace and matrices
int work_size = 0;
int *devInfo; gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&devInfo, sizeof(int)));
float *d_S; gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_S, N * numMatrices * sizeof(float)));
cuComplex *d_SI; gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_SI, N * M * numMatrices * sizeof(cuComplex)));
cuComplex *d_x; gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_x, N * numMatrices * sizeof(cuComplex)));
cuComplex *d_U = NULL;
cuComplex *d_V = NULL;
#ifdef FULLSVD
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_U, M * M * numMatrices * sizeof(cuComplex)));
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_V, N * N * numMatrices * sizeof(cuComplex)));
cuComplex *d_work = NULL; /* device workspace for gesvdj */
int devInfo_h = 0; /* host copy of error devInfo_h */
// --- Parameters configuration of Jacobi-based SVD
const double tol = 1.e-7;
const int maxSweeps = 100;
cusolverEigMode_t jobz; // --- CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_VECTOR - Compute eigenvectors; CUSOLVER_EIG_MODE_NOVECTOR - Compute singular values only
#ifdef FULLSVD
const int econ = 0; // --- econ = 1 for economy size
// --- Numerical result parameters of gesvdj
double residual = 0;
int executedSweeps = 0;
// --- CUDA solver initialization
cusolverDnHandle_t solver_handle = NULL;
// --- Configuration of gesvdj
gesvdjInfo_t gesvdj_params = NULL;
// --- Set the computation tolerance, since the default tolerance is machine precision
cusolveSafeCall(cusolverDnXgesvdjSetTolerance(gesvdj_params, tol));
// --- Set the maximum number of sweeps, since the default value of max. sweeps is 100
cusolveSafeCall(cusolverDnXgesvdjSetMaxSweeps(gesvdj_params, maxSweeps));
// --- Query the SVD workspace
jobz, // --- Compute the singular vectors or not
M, // --- Number of rows of A, 0 <= M
N, // --- Number of columns of A, 0 <= N
d_A, // --- M x N
lda, // --- Leading dimension of A
d_S, // --- Square matrix of size min(M, N) x min(M, N)
d_U, // --- M x M if econ = 0, M x min(M, N) if econ = 1
lda, // --- Leading dimension of U, ldu >= max(1, M)
d_V, // --- N x N if econ = 0, N x min(M,N) if econ = 1
lda, // --- Leading dimension of V, ldv >= max(1, N)
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_work, sizeof(cuComplex) * work_size));
// --- Compute SVD
jobz, // --- Compute the singular vectors or not
M, // --- Number of rows of A, 0 <= M
N, // --- Number of columns of A, 0 <= N
d_A, // --- M x N
lda, // --- Leading dimension of A
d_S, // --- Square matrix of size min(M, N) x min(M, N)
d_U, // --- M x M if econ = 0, M x min(M, N) if econ = 1
lda, // --- Leading dimension of U, ldu >= max(1, M)
d_V, // --- N x N if econ = 0, N x min(M, N) if econ = 1
N, // --- Leading dimension of V, ldv >= max(1, N)
cudaStat1 = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
assert(CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS == status);
assert(cudaSuccess == cudaStat1);
printf("Calculation of the singular values only: %f ms
", timerGPU.GetCounter());
* The folowing two functions do not support batched version.
* The error CUSOLVER_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED is returned.
status = cusolverDnXgesvdjGetSweeps(
status = cusolverDnXgesvdjGetResidual(
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(&devInfo_h, devInfo, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_S, d_S, sizeof(float) * N * numMatrices, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
#ifdef FULLSVD
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_U, d_U, sizeof(cuComplex) * lda * M * numMatrices, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_V, d_V, sizeof(cuComplex) * N * N * numMatrices, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
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