I have a simple Excel VBA web scraping sub that I have used for a couple of websites just fine.
The main summary is that it goes to the website, then performs:
While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend ie.ExecWB 17, 0 '// Select All ie.ExecWB 12, 2 '// Copy selection
I then paste that into my excel, and extract my data.
The problem is, that on this website: https://www.legalandgeneral.com/investments/funds/prices-and-reports/daily-fund-prices/ The table with all the data isn't selected when I hit ctrl + A, or with ie.ExecWB 17,0 in the code. If I click on the table and then do ctrl + A it does select the data. I tried using a CSS selector to click the table, then run ie.ExecWB 17,0 but it doesn't work.
Any ideas?
Many thanks
Both Zwenn and QHarr spotted this, with the table iFrame pointing to 5 different sources.
Hitting 'inspect' on the table, you would see something like this:
<iframe style="border: 0;" src="https://widgets-lgim.huguenots.co.uk/Consumer-> unit-trust-prices-actively-managed-funds" width="1000" height="1900" scrolling="no"></iframe>
So then I found all the other sources by changing the table tab, and inspecting:
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