In the examples for Paket dependency groups, there is often a "main" and "test" group:
source storage: none framework: netcoreapp3.1, netstandard2.1 nuget FSharp.Core nuget FParsec group test source nuget FSharp.Core nuget FParsec nuget xunit 2.4.1 nuget FsUnit.xUnit 3.8.0
In order to use a dependency in both the library code and the test code, I can add it to both groups.
But is there a way to say "match the version of nuget FParsec in the test and the main groups"?
nuget FParsec
I'm not sure - but what if you get rid of nuget FParsec from inside the test group and specify the one from the main group in paket.references?
FParsec group test xunit FsUnit.xUnit
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