Isn't boxing & unboxing a special case of direct casting?
and (MyType)instance
does not need wrapping in the way you expose.
We call that boxing and unboxing because once boxed to object
type, we can unbox without having a compiler type conversion error as any type mismatch will be raised at runtime.
All that: .NET, C#, OOP, casting, boxing, unboxing... is just high-level language sugar over machine code to allow humans to be able to do things better and simpler but more complex and more powerful in less time.
Else here for the code provided, all structs instances are created in the stack until the end of the method and all is lost.
But they are duplicated to be added in the array class, so these copies are next allocated in the heap.
How does the heap and stack work for instances and members of struct in C#?
Why methods return just one kind of parameter in normal conditions?
So the IL code is not as complicated as you imagine:
// arrayList.Add(point);
IL_001e: ldloc.0
IL_001f: ldloc.1
IL_0020: box ConsoleApp.Program/Point
IL_0025: callvirt instance int32 [mscorlib]System.Collections.ArrayList::Add(object)
From OpCodes.Box Field:
Converts a value type to an object reference (type O).
The stack transitional behavior, in sequential order, is:
- A value type is pushed onto the stack.
- The value type is popped from the stack; the box operation is performed.
- An object reference to the resulting "boxed" value type is pushed onto the stack.
A value type has two separate representations within the Common
Language Infrastructure (CLI):
- A 'raw' form used when a value type is embedded within another object or on the stack.
- A 'boxed' form, where the data in the value type is wrapped (boxed) into an object so it can exist as an independent entity.
The box instruction converts the 'raw' (unboxed) value type into an
object reference (type O). This is accomplished by creating a new
object and copying the data from the value type into the newly
allocated object. valTypeToken is a metadata token indicating the type
of the value type on the stack.
In terms of machine code material architecture dependant as with an Intel-type microprocessor, it is nothing more than using a memory pointer after performing all the specified processings.
Here is another sample:
int valueInt = 10;
double valueDouble = (double)valueInt;
object instance = (object)valueInt;
int value = (int)instance;
IL generated code is:
.method private hidebysig static
void Test () cil managed
.maxstack 1
.locals init (
[0] int32 valueInt,
[1] float64 valueDouble,
[2] object 'instance',
[3] int32 'value'
// int num = 10;
IL_0001: ldc.i4.s 10
IL_0003: stloc.0
// double num2 = num;
IL_0004: ldloc.0
IL_0005: conv.r8
IL_0006: stloc.1
// object obj = num;
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: box [mscorlib]System.Int32
IL_000d: stloc.2
// int num3 = (int)obj;
IL_000e: ldloc.2
IL_000f: unbox.any [mscorlib]System.Int32
IL_0014: stloc.3
IL_0010: ret
From OpCodes.Unbox Field:
Converts the boxed representation of a value type to its unboxed form.
The stack transitional behavior, in sequential order, is:
- An object reference is pushed onto the stack.
- The object reference is popped from the stack and unboxed to a value type pointer.
- The value type pointer is pushed onto the stack.
A value type has two separate representations within the Common
Language Infrastructure (CLI):
- A 'raw' form used when a value type is embedded within another object.
- A 'boxed' form, where the data in the value type is wrapped (boxed) into an object so it can exist as an independent entity.
The unbox instruction converts the object reference (type O), the
boxed representation of a value type, to a value type pointer (a
managed pointer, type &), its unboxed form. The supplied value type
(valType) is a metadata token indicating the type of value type
contained within the boxed object.
Unlike Box, which is required to make a copy of a value type for use
in the object, unbox is not required to copy the value type from the
object. Typically it simply computes the address of the value type
that is already present inside of the boxed object.
Last words
Since classes and structures are in fact the same thing, of course managed differently, but being only references and "hidden-references" (hidden and "hidden-hidden" memory pointers to forget to manage them as well as accessing and using, and to delegate this to the CLR), boxing and unbowing of value-types and non-value-types is essentially the same at this low level of operation, so the IL code does not differentiate between the two.
A look at the internals of 'boxing' in the CLR
I'm not sure if it might be relevant to flag as a duplicate, but here's a related question:
How does boxing and unboxing work at the lowest level