For the package name used in Huawei App. Gallery, current requirements are as follows:
- Do not include the word “. huawei” or “.HUAWEI” in app package name even if the app is
integrated with Huawei IAP, it will be rejected by HAG (Huawei App. Gallery).
Exception: A game that uses Huawei IAP must include “. huawei” or “.HUAWEI” in
app package name.
- GMS APK: Use the same exact APK as the one from GPS (Google Play Store) to upload as GMS APK to HAG.
This will ensure that both app stores will treat it as the same app in the event that a phone
has both GPS and HAG installed.
- HMS APK: Use a different package name and key signature to sign APKs for HAG. This will
ensure that both app stores will not treat both APKs as the same and automatically
overwriting each other. WARNING: DO NOT use the same key signature and same
package name on both app stores, doing so may break your user program data like
In-app Purchases (IAP) history in Huawei legacy phones that have both GPS and HAG
- When creating a different package name for HAG, please add suffix “.ag” to differentiate the
APKs. For example: WARNING: Doing so will allow your user to
install two APKs (two app icons) with the same app name in their phone, but is
necessary to prevent GPS and HAG from overwriting each other.
- Do not change your package name after confirming with Huawei the name you plan to have.
The package name is directly linked to the Huawei incentive agreement.