I just moved my static website to AWS S3 + Cloudfront & Route 43. Once I deployed my site I ran Lighthouse & Pagespeed Insights and I'm getting "Preconnect to required origins Error!". Before I moved my site I was not getting this error, so I'm thinking it has something to do with my AWS configuration. Here is my preconnects in my index.html file.
<link rel="preconnect" href="//www.google-analytics.com" crossorigin> <link rel="preconnect" href="//fonts.googleapis.com" crossorigin> <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//fonts.googleapis.com">
I'm not connecting to any other 3rd parties, only Analytics & Google font. Am I missing a preconnect to cloudfront? I searched for a couple days online and have not found anything yet, so I'm here.
If you make requests directly to your Cloudfront domain, then you will need to preconnect to it too.
I'm not positive but should your href tag values start with https?
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