I have this models in Laravel-5.8:
Here are the models:
class Employee extends Model
public $timestamps = false;
protected $table = 'employees';
protected $primaryKey = 'id';
protected $fillable = [
public function employeetype()
return $this->belongsTo('AppModelsHrEmployeeType','employee_type_id','id');
class EmployeeType extends Model
public $timestamps = false;
protected $table = 'employee_types';
protected $primaryKey = 'id';
protected $fillable = [
Then I have this Query in Employee controller function:
The DB Raw query is shown below:
$published = DB::table('employees AS e')
->leftJoin('goals AS a', function($join) use ($identities)
$join->on('a.employee_id', '=', 'e.id')
->where('a.identity_id', '=', $identities)
->join('departments AS d', function($join) use ($userCompany)
$join->on('e.department_id', '=', 'd.id')
->where('d.company_id', '=', $userCompany);
->leftJoin('employees AS em', function($join) use ($userCompany)
$join->on('em.employee_code', '=', 'e.line_manager_id')
->where('em.company_id', '=', $userCompany)
->where('em.hr_status', '=', '0')
->where('em.validation_status', '=', 'VALID');
->leftJoin('employees AS emm', function($join) use ($userCompany)
$join->on('emm.employee_code', '=', 'em.line_manager_id')
->where('emm.company_id', '=', $userCompany)
->where('emm.hr_status', '=', '0')
->where('emm.validation_status', '=', 'VALID');
->leftJoin('employees AS eh', function($join) use ($userCompany)
$join->on('eh.employee_code', '=', 'd.hr_business_partner_id')
->where('eh.company_id', '=', $userCompany)
->where('eh.hr_status', '=', '0')
->where('eh.validation_status', '=', 'VALID');
->where('e.company_id', '=', $userCompany)
->where('e.hr_status', '=', '0')
->where('e.validation_status', '=', 'VALID')
DB::raw('CONCAT(e.first_name, " ", e.last_name) AS fullname'),
DB::raw('(CASE WHEN a.is_approved = 0 THEN "DRAFT" WHEN a.is_approved = 1 THEN "AWAITING APPROVAL" WHEN a.is_approved = 2 THEN "NOT APPROVED" WHEN a.is_approved = 3 THEN "APPROVED" ELSE "NOT STARTED" END) AS is_approved'),
DB::raw('(CASE WHEN a.line_manager_mid_year_approved = 0 THEN "DRAFT" WHEN a.line_manager_mid_year_approved = 1 THEN "AWAITING APPROVAL" WHEN a.line_manager_mid_year_approved = 2 THEN "NOT APPROVED" WHEN a.line_manager_mid_year_approved = 3 THEN "APPROVED" ELSE "NOT STARTED" END) AS line_manager_mid_year_approved'),
DB::raw('CONCAT(em.first_name, " ", em.last_name) AS manager'),
'em.email AS manager_email',
DB::raw('CONCAT(emm.first_name, " ", emm.last_name) AS manager_manager'),
DB::raw('CONCAT(eh.first_name, " ", eh.last_name) AS hrbp')
employee_types is another table.
How do I include employee_types.is_active = 1;
->where('e.employee_type_id', '=', employee_types.id)
->where('em.employee_type_id', '=', employee_types.id)
->where('eh.employee_type_id', '=', employee_types.id)
->where('emm.employee_type_id', '=', employee_types.id)
in appropriate places (especially the leftjoins for employees) in the query: $published as shown above
question from: