I found this solution:
It is a ConEmu thing. The whole WSL part is for WSL version 1, I guess you are running WSL version 2?
You need a new version of cygwin1.dll
Grab one here: https://cygwin.com/snapshots/
Go to vendorconemu-maximus5ConEmuwsl and replace the dll.
You need wslbridge 2:
Grab it here: https://github.com/Biswa96/wslbridge2/releases (the cygwin version)
Copy the content to the same directory: vendorconemu-maximus5ConEmuwsl
Now edit your WSL bash task:
Replace the part "conemu-cyg-64.exe --wsl" with "conemu-cyg-64.exe %ConEmuBaseDirShort%wslwslbridge2.exe"
It works now.