Here are two possible solutions (there are certainly others)
from django_group_by import GroupByMixin
class GroupedHoursQuerySet(QuerySet, GroupByMixin):
def select_related(self, *fields):
return super().select_related(*fields) # once grouping was applied, select_related will fail
except TypeError:
return self
class GroupedHours(Hours):
objects = GroupedHoursQuerySet.as_manager()
class Meta:
proxy = True
and to query the data:
from django.contrib.postgres.aggregates import ArrayAgg, StringAgg
from django.db.models import Sum
qs = GroupedHours.objects.group_by('order_number', 'oper').annotate(
pk=StringAgg(Cast('id', output_field=TextField()), '-'),
The objects in the returned queryset have the same attributes as the original model but hours_worked
contains the sum:
for gh in qs:
print(f'Operator {gh.oper} worked {gh.hours_worked} on order {gh.order_number}')
Django's values()
You can of course use aggregate and annotate without the django-group-by module if you don't need Django model objects be just the actual numbers.
The following might also work (untested), refer to the documentation for more details:
from django.db.models import Sum
qs = Hours.objects.values('order_number', 'oper').annotate(
It might be necessary to add a .distinct()
This returns a dict:
for gh in qs:
print(f'Operator {gh['oper']} worked {gh['hours_worked']} on order {gh['order_number']}')