I have been following this tutorial for an autoregressive RNN for Tensorflow, and I have realized that the time series tutorial only supports labels either for one column or for all columns, selecting multiple columns (in the WindowGenerator class) from the data throws an error, and I cannot figure out what needs to be changed in the code to support this. Here is the complete code to replicate the problem when run:
import os
import datetime
import IPython
import IPython.display
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import tensorflow as tf
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8, 6)
mpl.rcParams['axes.grid'] = False
zip_path = tf.keras.utils.get_file(
csv_path, _ = os.path.splitext(zip_path)
df = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
# slice [start:stop:step], starting from index 5 take every 6th record.
df = df[5::6]
date_time = pd.to_datetime(df.pop('Date Time'), format='%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S')
wv = df['wv (m/s)']
bad_wv = wv == -9999.0
wv[bad_wv] = 0.0
max_wv = df['max. wv (m/s)']
bad_max_wv = max_wv == -9999.0
max_wv[bad_max_wv] = 0.0
wv = df.pop('wv (m/s)')
max_wv = df.pop('max. wv (m/s)')
# Convert to radians.
wd_rad = df.pop('wd (deg)')*np.pi / 180
# Calculate the wind x and y components.
df['Wx'] = wv*np.cos(wd_rad)
df['Wy'] = wv*np.sin(wd_rad)
# Calculate the max wind x and y components.
df['max Wx'] = max_wv*np.cos(wd_rad)
df['max Wy'] = max_wv*np.sin(wd_rad)
timestamp_s = date_time.map(datetime.datetime.timestamp)
day = 24*60*60
year = (365.2425)*day
df['Day sin'] = np.sin(timestamp_s * (2 * np.pi / day))
df['Day cos'] = np.cos(timestamp_s * (2 * np.pi / day))
df['Year sin'] = np.sin(timestamp_s * (2 * np.pi / year))
df['Year cos'] = np.cos(timestamp_s * (2 * np.pi / year))
column_indices = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(df.columns)}
n = len(df)
train_df = df[0:int(n*0.7)]
val_df = df[int(n*0.7):int(n*0.9)]
test_df = df[int(n*0.9):]
num_features = df.shape[1]
train_mean = train_df.mean()
train_std = train_df.std()
train_df = (train_df - train_mean) / train_std
val_df = (val_df - train_mean) / train_std
test_df = (test_df - train_mean) / train_std
class WindowGenerator():
def __init__(self, input_width, label_width, shift,
train_df=train_df, val_df=val_df, test_df=test_df,
# Store the raw data.
self.train_df = train_df
self.val_df = val_df
self.test_df = test_df
# Work out the label column indices.
self.label_columns = label_columns
if label_columns is not None:
self.label_columns_indices = {name: i for i, name in
self.column_indices = {name: i for i, name in
# Work out the window parameters.
self.input_width = input_width
self.label_width = label_width
self.shift = shift
self.total_window_size = input_width + shift
self.input_slice = slice(0, input_width)
self.input_indices = np.arange(self.total_window_size)[self.input_slice]
self.label_start = self.total_window_size - self.label_width
self.labels_slice = slice(self.label_start, None)
self.label_indices = np.arange(self.total_window_size)[self.labels_slice]
def __repr__(self):
return '
f'Total window size: {self.total_window_size}',
f'Input indices: {self.input_indices}',
f'Label indices: {self.label_indices}',
f'Label column name(s): {self.label_columns}'])
def split_window(self, features):
inputs = features[:, self.input_slice, :]
labels = features[:, self.labels_slice, :]
if self.label_columns is not None:
labels = tf.stack(
[labels[:, :, self.column_indices[name]] for name in self.label_columns],
# Slicing doesn't preserve static shape information, so set the shapes
# manually. This way the `tf.data.Datasets` are easier to inspect.
inputs.set_shape([None, self.input_width, None])
labels.set_shape([None, self.label_width, None])
return inputs, labels
def plot(self, model=None, plot_col='T (degC)', max_subplots=3):
inputs, labels = self.example
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
plot_col_index = self.column_indices[plot_col]
max_n = min(max_subplots, len(inputs))
for n in range(max_n):
plt.subplot(3, 1, n+1)
plt.ylabel(f'{plot_col} [normed]')
plt.plot(self.input_indices, inputs[n, :, plot_col_index],
label='Inputs', marker='.', zorder=-10)
if self.label_columns:
label_col_index = self.label_columns_indices.get(plot_col, None)
label_col_index = plot_col_index
if label_col_index is None:
plt.scatter(self.label_indices, labels[n, :, label_col_index],
edgecolors='k', label='Labels', c='#2ca02c', s=64)
if model is not None:
predictions = model(inputs)
plt.scatter(self.label_indices, predictions[n, :, label_col_index],
marker='X', edgecolors='k', label='Predictions',
c='#ff7f0e', s=64)
if n == 0:
plt.xlabel('Time [h]')
def make_dataset(self, data):
data = np.array(data, dtype=np.float32)
ds = tf.keras.preprocessing.timeseries_dataset_from_array(
ds = ds.map(self.split_window)
return ds
def train(self):
return self.make_dataset(self.train_df)
def val(self):
return self.make_dataset(self.val_df)
def test(self):
return self.make_dataset(self.test_df)
def example(self):
"""Get and cache an example batch of `inputs, labels` for plotting."""
result = getattr(self, '_example', None)
if result is None:
# No example batch was found, so get one from the `.train` dataset
result = next(iter(self.train))
# And cache it for next time
self._example = result
return result
class FeedBack(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self, units, out_steps):
self.out_steps = out_steps
self.units = units
self.lstm_cell = tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell(units)
# Also wrap the LSTMCell in an RNN to simplify the `warmup` method.
self.lstm_rnn = tf.keras.layers.RNN(self.lstm_cell, return_state=True)
self.dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(num_features)
def warmup(self, inputs):
# inputs.shape => (batch, time, features)
# x.shape => (batch, lstm_units)
x, *state = self.lstm_rnn(inputs)
# predictions.shape => (batch, features)
prediction = self.dense(x)
return prediction, state
def call(self, inputs, training=None):
# Use a TensorArray to capture dynamically unrolled outputs.
predictions = []
# Initialize the lstm state
prediction, state = self.warmup(inputs)
# Insert the first prediction
# Run the rest of the prediction steps
for n in range(1, self.out_steps):
# Use the last prediction as input.
x = prediction
# Execute one lstm step.
x, state = self.lstm_cell(x, states=state,
# Convert the lstm output to a prediction.
prediction = self.dense(x)
# Add the prediction to the output
# predictions.shape => (time, batch, features)
predictions = tf.stack(predictions)
# predictions.shape => (batch, time, features)
predictions = tf.transpose(predictions, [1, 0, 2])
return predictions
def compile_and_fit(model, window, patience=2):
early_stopping = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss',
history = model.fit(window.train, epochs=MAX_EPOCHS,
return history
multi_window = WindowGenerator(input_width=24,
shift=OUT_STEPS,label_columns=['T (degC)','p (mbar)'])
feedback_model = FeedBack(units=32, out_steps=OUT_STEPS)
prediction, state = feedback_model.warmup(multi_window.example[0])
history = compile_and_fit(feedback_model, multi_window)
ValueError: Dimensions must be equal, but are 19 and 2 for '{{node mean_squared_error/SquaredDifference}} = SquaredDifference[T=DT_FLOAT](feed_back/transpose, IteratorGetNext:1)' with input shapes: [?,24,19], [?,24,2].
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