From the link you provided, is not apparent that the source is available here.
Just try to compile it, to fit your target machine architecture.
I'm trying to generate the interface on Linux, with MonoDevelop, but it's not immediate, will retry later. Meanwhile, you could try on Windows. Probably will be simpler...
Now I had the time to attempt to compile from source in Windows 10 64 bits, and so far it seems to run pretty well. I'm using VisualStudio Community 2017, and after opened the solution (contrib-swiplcsSwiPlCs_git.sln), have defined _PL_X64 in SwiPLcs properties - compilation.
Have uploaded this repo that shows a simplified usage of SWIPlCs.
Note there is a directory (swipl_cs) where I have simply copied (unchanged) the indispensable source files from SwiPlCs.
There is a single Prolog file, that computes N-Queens problem solutions (just the first, to keep things as simple as possible) and displays the steps performed by CLP(FD) - thanks to Markus Triska for the original implementation.