I try to extract one path from a SVG in Python using minidom and then want to create a new SVG with just the first path using svgwrite.
This is my code for extracting the first path with its color:
from xml.dom import minidom
# Read svg as xml document
doc = minidom.parse('Target_logo.svg')
# extract path coordinates
path_strings = [path.getAttribute('d') for path
in doc.getElementsByTagName('path')]
# extract path colors
path_colors = [path.getAttribute('fill') for path
in doc.getElementsByTagName('path')]
'M217.074,360.93c-71.239,0-129.052-57.721-129.052-128.972c0-71.38,57.813-129.059,129.052-129.059 c71.301,0,129.042,57.679,129.042,129.059C346.116,303.209,288.375,360.93,217.074,360.93 M217.074,38.459 c-106.796,0-193.399,86.625-193.399,193.499c0,106.792,86.603,193.39,193.399,193.39c106.842,0,193.581-86.598,193.581-193.39 C410.655,125.084,323.916,38.459,217.074,38.459z'
This is my code for creating a new svg (I replaced the spaces from linebreaks with commas, this should not cause the error):
# Create new svg with only one shape
import svgwrite
d1 = path_strings[0].replace(" ", ",")
fill1 = path_colors[0]
svg1 = svgwrite.Drawing('test.svg')
svg1.add(svg1.path(d=d1, fill=fill1))
The second code gives me the following error:
TypeError: 'M217.074,360.93c-71.239,0-129.052-57.721-129.052-128.972c0-71.38,57.813-129.059,129.052-129.059,c71.301,0,129.042,57.679,129.042,129.059C346.116,303.209,288.375,360.93,217.074,360.93 M217.074,38.459,c-106.796,0-193.399,86.625-193.399,193.499c0,106.792,86.603,193.39,193.399,193.39c106.842,0,193.581-86.598,193.581-193.39,C410.655,125.084,323.916,38.459,217.074,38.459z' is not a valid value for attribute 'd' at svg-element <path>.
I tried several things but don't know why it is not working.
Thank you very much!
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