If you don't have access to arangodump
and arangorestore
on server, then easiest way to invoke them is via docker and access your server by adding --server.endpoint
option, you'll need to map some volume/directory to container to preserve dumped data for restoring them in other container, something like this:
#dump data to /tmp/dump at your host
docker run -it --rm -v /tmp/dump:/dump arangodb/arangodb:3.7.6 arangodump --server.endpoint http+tcp://
#restore data from /tmp/dump at your host
docker run -it --rm -v /tmp/dump:/dump arangodb/arangodb:3.7.6 arangorestore --server.endpoint http+tcp://
documentation of all available options, including examples are here for arangodump and here for arangorestore
other option is to write your own implementation of dump and restore utilizing ArangoDB REST APIs, but that's hefty and error prone task comparing to installing docker and then running provided dump and restore tools