I'd offer a change in design: have that configuration in a normal module, in which you can then test whether it's been loaded by (out of) the main::
namespace or not. Then there is no need for any of that acrobatics with control variables etc.
One way to do that
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib $RealBin; # so to be able to 'use' from current directory
use ConfigPackage qw(load_config);
my $config = load_config();
# ...
and the ConfigPackage.pm
(in the same directory)
package ConfigPackage;
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Carp;
use Exporter qw(); # want our own import
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(load_config);
sub import {
#say "Loaded by: ", (caller)[0];
croak "Must only be loaded from 'main::'"
if not ( (caller)[0] eq 'main' );
# Now switch to Exporter::import to export symbols as needed
goto &Exporter::import;
sub load_config {
# ...
return 'Some config-related data structure';
(Note that this use of goto is fine.)
This is just a sketch of course; adjust, develop further, and amend as needed. If this is lodaed out of a package other than main::
, and so it fails, then that happens in the compile phase, since that's when import is called. I'd consider that a good thing.
If that config code need be able to run as well, as the question may indicate, then have a separate executable that loads this module and runs what need be run.
As for the question as stated, the title and the question's (apparent) quest differ a little, but both can be treated by using caller EXPR. It won't be a clean little "built-in" invocation though.
The thing about do as intended to be used is that
' is largely like
eval `cat stat.pl`;
except that ...
(That stat.pl
is introduced earlier in docs, merely to signify that do
is invoked on a file.)
Then caller(0)
will have clear hints to offer (see docs). It returns
my ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine, $hasargs,
$wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require, $hints, $bitmask, $hinthash)
= caller($i);
In a call asked for, do './config.pl'
, apart from main
(package) and the correct filename, the caller(0)
in config.pl
also returns:
Altogether this gives plenty to decide whether the call was made as required.
However, I would not recommend this kind of involved analysis instead of just using a package, what is also incomparably more flexible.