Even if you're sending more data than that, it may well not be available in one call to Receive.
You can't determine how much data the server has sent - it's a stream of data, and you're just reading chunks at a time. You may read part of what the server sent in one Send call, or you may read the data from two Send calls in one Receive call. 8K is a reasonable buffer size - not so big that you'll waste a lot of memory, and not so small that you'll have to use loads of wasted Receive calls. 4K or 16K would quite possibly be fine too... I personally wouldn't start going above 16K for network buffers - I suspect you'd rarely fill them.
You could experiment by trying to use a very large buffer and log how many bytes were received in each call - that would give you some idea of how much is generally available - but it wouldn't really show the effect of using a smaller buffer. What concerns do you have over using an 8K buffer? If it's performance, do you have any evidence that this aspect of your code is a performance bottleneck?