When You want to open new tab/window (depends on Your browser configuration defaults):
output = 'Hello, World!';
When output is an Object
and You want get JSON, for example (also can generate any type of document, even image encoded in Base64)
output = ({a:1,b:'2'});
window.open('data:application/json;' + (window.btoa?'base64,'+btoa(JSON.stringify(output)):JSON.stringify(output)));
Google Chrome (60.0.3112.90) block this code:
Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL: data:application/json;base64,eyJhIjoxLCJiIjoiMiJ9
When You want to append some data to existing page
output = '<h1>Hello, World!</h1>';
window.open('output.html').document.body.innerHTML += output;
output = 'Hello, World!';
window.open('about:blank').document.body.innerText += output;