You can do the following, for example:
:hi TabLineFill ctermfg=LightGreen ctermbg=DarkGreen
:hi TabLine ctermfg=Blue ctermbg=Yellow
:hi TabLineSel ctermfg=Red ctermbg=Yellow
This line affects the window counter per tab:
:hi Title ctermfg=LightBlue ctermbg=Magenta
Garish colours chosen to highlight what each of the items changes.
I find that looking at $VIMRUNTIME/colors/*.vim
really helps when playing with highlighting.
Note that these change the colours for Vim running in a console. If you want to change the colours for GVim, you need to use guibg
, guifg
, et cetera. For example:
:hi TabLineFill guifg=LightGreen guibg=DarkGreen ctermfg=LightGreen ctermbg=DarkGreen