Here's a simple plugin I did a while back. Lets you bind a handler to the beginning of the list. It is very simple, and I wouldn't guarantee that it works with namespaced events or anything terribly fancy.
For simply binding a single or space separate group of events, it should work.
$.fn.bindUp = function(type, fn) {
type = type.split(/s+/);
this.each(function() {
var len = type.length;
while( len-- ) {
$(this).bind(type[len], fn);
var evt = $.data(this, 'events')[type[len]];
evt.splice(0, 0, evt.pop());
Or if you wanted to manipulate the Array of handlers in some other manner, just get the handlers for the element you want, and manipulate it however you want:
var clickHandlers = $('img').data('events').click;
clickHandlers.reverse(); // reverse the order of the Array