Yes, the mathematical notation can make it seem much more complicated than it is. Really, it is a very simple idea. I have a implemented a value iteration demo applet that you can play with to get a better idea.
Basically, lets say you have a 2D grid with a robot in it. The robot can try to move North, South, East, West (those are the actions a) but, because its left wheel is slippery, when it tries to move North there is only a .9 probability that it will end up at the square North of it while there is a .1 probability that it will end up at the square West of it (similarly for the other 3 actions). These probabilities are captured by the T() function. Namely, T(s,A,s') will look like:
s A s' T //x=0,y=0 is at the top-left of the screen
x,y North x,y+1 .9 //we do move north
x,y North x-1,y .1 //wheels slipped, so we move West
x,y East x+1,y .9
x,y East x,y-1 .1
x,y South x,y+1 .9
x,y South x-1,y .1
x,y West x-1,y .9
x,y West x,y+1 .1
You then set the Reward to be 0 for all states, but 100 for the goal state, that is, the location you want the robot to get to.
What value-iteration does is its starts by giving a Utility of 100 to the goal state and 0 to all the other states. Then on the first iteration this 100 of utility gets distributed back 1-step from the goal, so all states that can get to the goal state in 1 step (all 4 squares right next to it) will get some utility. Namely, they will get a Utility equal to the probability that from that state we can get to the goal stated. We then continue iterating, at each step we move the utility back 1 more step away from the goal.
In the example above, say you start with R(5,5)= 100 and R(.) = 0 for all other states. So the goal is to get to 5,5.
On the first iteration we set
R(5,6) = gamma * (.9 * 100) + gamma * (.1 * 100)
because on 5,6 if you go North there is a .9 probability of ending up at 5,5, while if you go West there is a .1 probability of ending up at 5,5.
Similarly for (5,4), (4,5), (6,5).
All other states remain with U = 0 after the first iteration of value iteration.