Problem: I have the following two functions that should effectively ReDim Preserve a 3D array in all dimensions, transposeArray3D and ReDimPreserve3D. However, this wipes any array that passes through these functions even though I try to re-set values in my transpose function. Specifically, when I debug and hover over my temporary arrays with my mouse (t
and newArray
), excel indicates that the arrays are empty.
Context: This is all part of an attempt to convert files similar to CSVs into excel tables by splitting at essentially 3 delimiters: the 3D array is necessary to keep track of "table number". I'm not understanding why the functions can't read the arrays being passed to them.
I have included the procedure these functions are called from just in case the problem is not in the functions.
Public Function transposeArray3D(arr3d As Variant) As Variant
Dim x As Variant, y As Variant, z As Variant, xub As Long, yub As Long, zub As Long, newArray As Variant
xub = UBound(arr3d, 1) 'x,y,z correspond to dim 1,2,3 of the OLD array
yub = UBound(arr3d, 2)
zub = UBound(arr3d, 3)
ReDim newArray(zub, xub, yub)
For x = 0 To xub 'x-->y, y-->z, z-->x
For y = 0 To yub
For z = 0 To zub
newArray(z, x, y) = arr3d(x, y, z)
MsgBox (arr3d(x, y, z))
Next z
Next y
Next x
transposeArray3D = newArray
End Function
Public Function ReDimPreserve3D(arr As Variant, newx As Long, newy As Long, newz As Long) As Variant
'ReDim Preserves all dimensions of a 3D array--does not mess with original array
Dim t As Variant, oldx As Long, oldy As Long, oldz As Long
oldx = UBound(arr, 1)
oldy = UBound(arr, 2)
oldz = UBound(arr, 3)
ReDim t(oldx, oldy, oldz)
t = arr
ReDim Preserve t(oldx, oldy, newz)
t = transposeArray3D(t)
ReDim Preserve t(newz, oldx, newy)
t = transposeArray3D(t)
ReDim Preserve t(newy, newz, newx)
t = transposeArray3D(t)
ReDimPreserve3D = t
End Function
'called from:
Sub csv_to_table()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, maxRow As Long, test As Long
Dim tableCount As Long, nr As Long, nc As Long
Dim table() As Variant
ReDim table(0, 0, 0)
Dim temp1 As Variant, temp2 As Variant 'temp array for each table holding the rows pre-splitting by spaces
maxRow = Cells(rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 0 To maxRow
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(i + 1, 1).Value) Then
ReDim Preserve table(UBound(table, 1), UBound(table, 2), i)
nr = countChar(Cells(i + 1, 1).Text, ";")
ReDim temp1(nr)
temp1 = Split(Cells(i + 1, 1), ";") 'holds all the rows of the table in an array
nc = countChar(CStr(temp1(0)), " ")
ReDim temp2(nc)
table = ReDimPreserve3D(table, nr, nc, i)
For j = 0 To nr - 1 'row
temp2 = Split(temp1(j), " ")
For k = 0 To nc - 1 'get table columns (separated by spaces)
table(j, k, i) = temp2(k)
Next k
ReDim temp2(nc)
Next j
Erase temp1, temp2
End If
Next i
printArray3D (table)
End Sub
question from: