Suppose you have a list of strings.
List = {"A","AB","ABCD"}
Now I want to concatenate each elements as a string. But only if the element's string length is perfect square of an integer 1,2,3,4,5... N (1,4,9,16,25... n^2). If all of the elements are not perfect square of an integer, than return ? (epsilon) to denote no elements were concatenated.
First element on the List, since the element length is square of 1, A, concatenate.
List' = {A}
Second element on the List, since the element length is 2, AB, no concatenation.
List' = {A}
Third element on the List, since the element length is 4, ABCE, concatenate.
List' = {A,ABCD}
Suppose the the input list was
List2 = {"AB", ""ABC, "AABCC"}
Then I would return ? (epsilon), since all the elements in the list are not perfect square of an integer.
Now consider more general form, let 'a' be the first index of the list and 'b' be the last index of the list.
List3 = {a th . . . b th}
How can I write a recursive algorithm pseudo code to do this?
Here is what I attempted, but I felt that I was heading in the wrong direction.
//Base case .. ?
if( ){
//Recursive step
if(A[a]--> peftectSquare{
//if last element, concatenate.
if(a = b){
return A[a]
//if not last element, concatenate and recursive call.
return A[a] (concatenate) Concat(A[a+1...b])
//If last element and is not perfect square, do nothing.
if(a = b){
//If the element is not a perfect square recursive call.
return Concat(A[a+1...b])
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