I am trying to Build an array that displays value, color, highlight and label in an array.
The hard code array looks like this:
var data = [
value: 300,
highlight: "#FF5A5E",
label: "Red"
value: 50,
color: "#46BFBD",
highlight: "#5AD3D1",
label: "Green"
value: 100,
color: "#FDB45C",
highlight: "#FFC870",
label: "Yellow"
Here is my code:
var pieData = [];
var label = [];
var beginData = "{";
var endData = "}";
var firstItem = "value:";
var secondItem = "color:";
var thirdItem = "highlight:";
var fourItem = "label:";
var spaceItem = ",";
var beginQuote = '"';
var endQuote = '"';
var checkCounter = x.childElementCount -1;
var arrayColor = ["#F7464A", "#46BFBD", "#FDB45C", "#466abf", "#dc46f7", "#46bf8b", "#afbf46", "#bf8b46", "#bf5c46", "#b7bf46", "#46a9bf", "#bf4846" ];
var array = [ '#FF5A5E', '#5AD3D1', '#FFC870', '#466abf', '#dc46f7', '#46bf8b', '#afbf46', '#bf8b46', '#bf5c46', '#b7bf46', "#46a9bf", "#bf4846" ];
for( i = 0; i < x.childElementCount; i++) {
name = x.childNodes[i].attributes.name.value;
value = x.childNodes[i].attributes.value.value;
if (checkCounter != i){
pieData.push(beginData + firstItem + beginQuote + value + endQuote + spaceItem + secondItem + beginQuote + array[i] + endQuote + spaceItem + thirdItem + beginQuote + arrayColor[i]+ endQuote + spaceItem + fourItem + beginQuote + name + endQuote + endData + spaceItem);
pieData.push(beginData + firstItem + beginQuote + value + endQuote + spaceItem + secondItem + beginQuote + array[i] + endQuote + spaceItem + thirdItem + beginQuote + arrayColor[i]+ endQuote + spaceItem + fourItem + beginQuote + name + endQuote + endData);
my output is :
0: "{value:"40",color:"#FF5A5E",highlight:"#F7464A",label:"Abnormal First Mam"},"
1: "{value:"17",color:"#5AD3D1",highlight:"#46BFBD",label:"Abnormal Rescreen Mam"},"
2: "{value:"57",color:"#FFC870",highlight:"#FDB45C",label:"Abnormal Total Mam"},"
3: "{value:"5",color:"#466abf",highlight:"#466abf",label:"Abnormal CBE (Norm Mam)"},"
4: "{value:"0",color:"#dc46f7",highlight:"#dc46f7",label:"Assessment Inc. Mam"},"
5: "{value:"0",color:"#46bf8b",highlight:"#46bf8b",label:"Film Comp. req. Mam"}"
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