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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

r - 分组功能(tapply,by,aggregate)和* apply系列(Grouping functions (tapply, by, aggregate) and the *apply family)

Whenever I want to do something "map"py in R, I usually try to use a function in the apply family.

(每当我想在R中做“ map” py任务时,我通常都会尝试在apply系列中使用一个函数。)

However, I've never quite understood the differences between them -- how { sapply , lapply , etc.} apply the function to the input/grouped input, what the output will look like, or even what the input can be -- so I often just go through them all until I get what I want.

(但是,我从未完全理解它们之间的区别-{ sapplylapply等}如何将函数应用于输入/分组输入,输出将是什么样,甚至输入是什么-所以我经常只是遍历所有这些,直到得到想要的东西。)

Can someone explain how to use which one when?


My current (probably incorrect/incomplete) understanding is...


  1. sapply(vec, f) : input is a vector.

    (sapply(vec, f) :输入是向量。)

    output is a vector/matrix, where element i is f(vec[i]) , giving you a matrix if f has a multi-element output

    (输出是一个向量/矩阵,其中元素if(vec[i]) ,如果f具有多元素输出,则为您提供矩阵)

  2. lapply(vec, f) : same as sapply , but output is a list?

    (lapply(vec, f) :与sapply相同,但是输出是一个列表?)

  3. apply(matrix, 1/2, f) : input is a matrix.

    (apply(matrix, 1/2, f) :输入是一个矩阵。)

    output is a vector, where element i is f(row/col i of the matrix)


  4. tapply(vector, grouping, f) : output is a matrix/array, where an element in the matrix/array is the value of f at a grouping g of the vector, and g gets pushed to the row/col names

    (tapply(vector, grouping, f) :输出是一个矩阵/数组,其中矩阵/数组中的元素是向量分组g处的f值,并且g被推到行/列名)

  5. by(dataframe, grouping, f) : let g be a grouping.

    (by(dataframe, grouping, f) :令g为一个分组。)

    apply f to each column of the group/dataframe.


    pretty print the grouping and the value of f at each column.


  6. aggregate(matrix, grouping, f) : similar to by , but instead of pretty printing the output, aggregate sticks everything into a dataframe.

    (aggregate(matrix, grouping, f) :类似于by ,但是aggregate不会将输出漂亮地打印by ,而是将所有内容粘贴到数据框中。)

Side question: I still haven't learned plyr or reshape -- would plyr or reshape replace all of these entirely?


  ask by grautur translate from so

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by (71.8m points)

R has many *apply functions which are ably described in the help files (eg ?apply ).

(R有许多* apply函数,这些函数在帮助文件中都有详细介绍(例如?apply )。)

There are enough of them, though, that beginning useRs may have difficulty deciding which one is appropriate for their situation or even remembering them all.


They may have a general sense that "I should be using an *apply function here", but it can be tough to keep them all straight at first.

(它们可能具有一般意义,即“我应该在这里使用* apply函数”,但是一开始很难保持它们的整齐。)

Despite the fact (noted in other answers) that much of the functionality of the *apply family is covered by the extremely popular plyr package, the base functions remain useful and worth knowing.

(尽管事实(在其他答案中已指出)* apply系列的许多功能已由极为流行的plyr包所涵盖,但基本功能仍然有用且值得了解。)

This answer is intended to act as a sort of signpost for new useRs to help direct them to the correct *apply function for their particular problem.

(此答案旨在充当新用户的路标 ,以帮助将其定向到针对其特定问题的正确* apply函数。)

Note, this is not intended to simply regurgitate or replace the R documentation!


The hope is that this answer helps you to decide which *apply function suits your situation and then it is up to you to research it further.

(希望这个答案可以帮助您确定哪个* apply功能适合您的情况,然后由您自己进行进一步的研究。)

With one exception, performance differences will not be addressed.


  • apply - When you want to apply a function to the rows or columns of a matrix (and higher-dimensional analogues);

    (apply- 当您要将函数应用于矩阵的行或列(以及更高维的类似物)时;)

    not generally advisable for data frames as it will coerce to a matrix first.


     # Two dimensional matrix M <- matrix(seq(1,16), 4, 4) # apply min to rows apply(M, 1, min) [1] 1 2 3 4 # apply max to columns apply(M, 2, max) [1] 4 8 12 16 # 3 dimensional array M <- array( seq(32), dim = c(4,4,2)) # Apply sum across each M[*, , ] - ie Sum across 2nd and 3rd dimension apply(M, 1, sum) # Result is one-dimensional [1] 120 128 136 144 # Apply sum across each M[*, *, ] - ie Sum across 3rd dimension apply(M, c(1,2), sum) # Result is two-dimensional [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 18 26 34 42 [2,] 20 28 36 44 [3,] 22 30 38 46 [4,] 24 32 40 48 

    If you want row/column means or sums for a 2D matrix, be sure to investigate the highly optimized, lightning-quick colMeans , rowMeans , colSums , rowSums .

    (如果您想要2D矩阵的行/列均值或总和,请务必研究高度优化的,闪电般快速的colMeansrowMeanscolSumsrowSums 。)

  • lapply - When you want to apply a function to each element of a list in turn and get a list back.

    (lapply- 当您想将功能依次应用于列表的每个元素并返回列表时。)

    This is the workhorse of many of the other *apply functions.

    (这是许多其他* apply函数的主力军。)

    Peel back their code and you will often find lapply underneath.


     x <- list(a = 1, b = 1:3, c = 10:100) lapply(x, FUN = length) $a [1] 1 $b [1] 3 $c [1] 91 lapply(x, FUN = sum) $a [1] 1 $b [1] 6 $c [1] 5005 
  • sapply - When you want to apply a function to each element of a list in turn, but you want a vector back, rather than a list.

    (sapply- 当您想将函数依次应用于列表的每个元素,但又要返回向量而不是列表时。)

    If you find yourself typing unlist(lapply(...)) , stop and consider sapply .

    (如果您发现自己输入了unlist(lapply(...)) ,请停下来考虑sapply 。)

     x <- list(a = 1, b = 1:3, c = 10:100) # Compare with above; a named vector, not a list sapply(x, FUN = length) abc 1 3 91 sapply(x, FUN = sum) abc 1 6 5005 

    In more advanced uses of sapply it will attempt to coerce the result to a multi-dimensional array, if appropriate.


    For example, if our function returns vectors of the same length, sapply will use them as columns of a matrix:


     sapply(1:5,function(x) rnorm(3,x)) 

    If our function returns a 2 dimensional matrix, sapply will do essentially the same thing, treating each returned matrix as a single long vector:


     sapply(1:5,function(x) matrix(x,2,2)) 

    Unless we specify simplify = "array" , in which case it will use the individual matrices to build a multi-dimensional array:

    (除非我们指定simplify = "array" ,否则在这种情况下它将使用各个矩阵构建多维数组:)

     sapply(1:5,function(x) matrix(x,2,2), simplify = "array") 

    Each of these behaviors is of course contingent on our function returning vectors or matrices of the same length or dimension.


  • vapply - When you want to use sapply but perhaps need to squeeze some more speed out of your code.

    (vapply- 当您想使用sapply但可能需要从代码中挤出更多速度时。)

    For vapply , you basically give R an example of what sort of thing your function will return, which can save some time coercing returned values to fit in a single atomic vector.

    (对于vapply ,您基本上为R提供了一个示例,说明您的函数将返回哪种类型的东西,这可以节省一些时间来强制将返回值适合单个原子向量。)

     x <- list(a = 1, b = 1:3, c = 10:100) #Note that since the advantage here is mainly speed, this # example is only for illustration. We're telling R that # everything returned by length() should be an integer of # length 1. vapply(x, FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = 0L) abc 1 3 91 
  • mapply - For when you have several data structures (eg vectors, lists) and you want to apply a function to the 1st elements of each, and then the 2nd elements of each, etc., coercing the result to a vector/array as in sapply .

    (mapply- 当您具有多个数据结构(例如,向量,列表)并且想要将函数应用于每个的第一个元素,然后将其应用于每个的第二个元素等时,将结果强制为向量/数组sapply)

    This is multivariate in the sense that your function must accept multiple arguments.


     #Sums the 1st elements, the 2nd elements, etc. mapply(sum, 1:5, 1:5, 1:5) [1] 3 6 9 12 15 #To do rep(1,4), rep(2,3), etc. mapply(rep, 1:4, 4:1) [[1]] [1] 1 1 1 1 [[2]] [1] 2 2 2 [[3]] [1] 3 3 [[4]] [1] 4 
  • Map - A wrapper to mapply with SIMPLIFY = FALSE , so it is guaranteed to return a list.

    (mapply使用SIMPLIFY = FALSE进行 映射 的包装器,因此可以确保返回列表。)

     Map(sum, 1:5, 1:5, 1:5) [[1]] [1] 3 [[2]] [1] 6 [[3]] [1] 9 [[4]] [1] 12 [[5]] [1] 15 
  • rapply - For when you want to apply a function to each element of a nested list structure, recursively.

    (rapply- 用于当您想将函数递归应用于嵌套列表结构的每个元素时。)

    To give you some idea of how uncommon rapply is, I forgot about it when first posting this answer!

    (为了让您了解重新启动的罕见rapply ,我在首次发布此答案时就忘记了它!)

    Obviously, I'm sure many people use it, but YMMV.


    rapply is best illustrated with a user-defined function to apply:

    (最好使用用户定义的函数来说明rapply :)

     # Append ! to string, otherwise increment myFun <- function(x){ if(is.character(x)){ return(paste(x,"!",sep="")) } else{ return(x + 1) } } #A nested list structure l <- list(a = list(a1 = "Boo", b1 = 2, c1 = "Eeek"), b = 3, c = "Yikes", d = list(a2 = 1, b2 = list(a3 = "Hey", b3 = 5))) # Result is named vector, coerced to character rapply(l, myFun) # Result is a nested list like l, with values altered rapply(l, myFun, how="replace") 
  • tapply - For when you want to apply a function to subsets of a vector and the subsets are defined by some other vector, usually a factor.

    (tapply - 当你想给一个函数应用到向量的子集和子集是由一些其它载体,通常是一个因素确定。)

    The black sheep of the *apply family, of sorts.

    (* apply家族的败类。)

    The help file's use of the phrase "ragged array" can be a bit confusing , but it is actually quite simple.

    (帮助文件中使用短语“参差不齐的数组”可能会有些混乱 ,但实际上非常简单。)

    A vector:


     x <- 1:20 

    A factor (of the same length!) defining groups:


     y <- factor(rep(letters[1:5], each = 4)) 

    Add up the values in x within each subgroup defined by y :

    (将y定义的每个子组中x的值y :)

     tapply(x, y, sum) abcde 10 26 42 58 74 

    More complex examples can be handled where the subgroups are defined by the unique combinations of a list of several factors.


    tapply is similar in spirit to the split-apply-combine functions that are common in R ( aggregate , by , ave , ddply , etc.) Hence its black sheep status.

    (tapply是在本质上与分割应用-结合,在R 2是常用的功能(类似于aggregatebyaveddply等)因此,它的黑色羊状态。)

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