I have two scripts, let's call them "first" and "second".
I have no issue with "first" script, here how it's looks:
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
console.log(typeof fetch); // prints: function
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
And here is a "second" script which won't stop itself after it's run
const APIWRAPPER = require('APIWRAPPER');
const api = new APIWRAPPER(TOKEN);
console.log(typeof api); // prints: object
.then(json => {
Both scripts outputs same thing.
But when I running "second" script it won't stop.
I have to press Ctrl + C in my win terminal.(我必须在赢终端中按Ctrl +C。)
And you might ask, is it such a big issue for me to press Ctrl + C once in a while?
(您可能会问,偶尔按Ctrl + C对我来说有太大问题吗?)
No it's not, but I'm trying to trigger this script with GitHub Action and it's just endlessly running leaving me one option: cancel it.(不,不是,但是我试图通过GitHub Action触发此脚本,并且它不断运行,给我一个选择:取消它。)
PS I'm using node run first
and node run second
to trigger those scripts.
(PS我正在node run first
node run second
node run first
node run second
"scripts": {
"first": "node ./scripts/first.js",
"second": "node ./scripts/second.js"
What I tried:
const APIWRAPPER = require('APIWRAPPER');
const api = new APIWRAPPER(TOKEN);
console.log(typeof api); // prints: object
.then(json => {
process.exit(0); // Adding this
But I'm not sure if it's good practice, it was just first thing I found.
ask by Bromer translate from so