I have two points layers as Geojson files that I added to my leaflet map.
The issue is that they all appear as the blue default icon.(问题是它们都显示为蓝色的默认图标。)
I want to change one to red.(我想将其更改为红色。)
How do I do this?(我该怎么做呢?)
<body> <h1>Settlement Map</h1> <div id="map"> <script> var map = L.map('map').setView([-34.06001, 18.66321], 13); var addressLayer = L.geoJSON(address, { color: 'red' }).addTo(map); var EPLayer = L.geoJSON(EP).addTo(map); </script> </div> <body/>
ask by kgwarishi malatji translate from so