I'm trying to create a marker/direction pointer to route on the Google map, but I don't know how to.
I have added several markers with the information window, and within that window, the title should redirect me to a route.
I hope you can help me.
Thank you very much!(非常感谢你!)
var data = '{!! json_encode($destinos) !!}'; //console.log(data); data = JSON.parse(data);
//THIS IS THE HTML INFO IN THE MARKER function htmlInfo(name, descrip){ var text = ""; text += '<div class="content_maps">' ; text += '<a href="{{ route(\'destinos.detalle\', [\'id\' => data.id]) }}" ><h5>'+name+'</h5></a>' ; text += '<p>'+descrip+'</p>' ; text += '</div>'; return text; }
ask by Emerson translate from so