How can i get corners coordinate of a rotated rectangle (with center of rectangle as pivot) ?
i already tried all of the solution from the link below but seems haven't got any luck.
Rotating a point about another point (2D)
Find corners of a rotated rectangle given its center point and rotation
here's the code
// make a rectangle with zero rotation
const rect1 = new Konva.Rect({
x: 200,
y: 200,
width: 100,
height: 50,
fill: "#00D2FF",
draggable: true,
rotation: 0,
name: "rect"
// convert degree to rad
const degToRad = (deg: number) => deg * (Math.PI / 180);
// here's the code i use to rotate it around its center (from
const rotateAroundCenter = (node: Rect, rotation: number) => {
const topLeft = {
x: -node.width() / 2,
y: -node.height() / 2
console.log(`current X: ${node.x()}, current Y: ${node.y()},`)
const currentRotatePoint = rotatePoint(topLeft, degToRad(node.rotation()));
const afterRotatePoint = rotatePoint(topLeft, degToRad(rotation));
const dx = afterRotatePoint.x - currentRotatePoint.x;
const dy = afterRotatePoint.y - currentRotatePoint.y;
node.x(node.x() + dx);
node.y(node.y() + dy);
console.log(`the actual position x: ${node.x()}, y: ${node.y()}`);
// the code that i expected to give me the corner point
const computeCornerPoint = (r:Rect) => {
// for now we want to compute top left corner point(as it's the easiest corner to get)
let corner = {
x: r.x(),
y: r.y()
// the coordinate of rectangle's center (in stage coordinate)
const cx = r.x() + r.width();
const cy = r.y();
// sine and cosine of the rectangle's rotation
const s = Math.sin(degToRad(r.rotation()));
const c = Math.cos(degToRad(r.rotation()));
// rotate the corner point
let xnew = c * (corner.x - cx) - s * (corner.y - cy) + cx;
let ynew = s * (corner.x - cx) + c * (corner.y - cy) + cy;
console.log(`based on this function calculation: xnew : ${xnew}, ynew: ${ynew}`);
return [xnew, ynew];
based on the code above, if the initial rotation is 0, and i rotate the rectangle 30 degree clockwise, then the actual position would be same as the value from computeCornerPoint, which is (219, 178) and if i rotate it again by 30 degree clockwise, the actual position would be (246, 169) while the value from computeCornerPoint would be (275, 175).
ask by Rayhan Hamada translate from so