There are two very different things here:
- How the DateTime is stored
- How the DateTime is displayed
.NET side
.NET stores DateTime as the number of Ticks since start of the Unix Epoch.
(.NET将DateTime存储为自Unix Epoch开始以来的Ticks数量。)
Every other property and the String Representation are a interpretation of this value. (其他所有属性和字符串表示形式都是对此值的解释。)
.NET Displays any numeric value - including DateTime - by extracting the users Culture settings from Windows.
This is a very usefull feature, as that is one big part we do not generally have to take care off. (这是一个非常有用的功能,因为这是我们通常不必担心的很大一部分。)
Excel Side
The old Excel Format uses Decimal or float value.
The part before the Decimal Seperator is the deys since 0-jan-1900. (自1900年1月0日以来,十进制分隔符之前的部分是dey。)
It also has a well known mistake, treating 1900 as a Leap Year. (它还有一个众所周知的错误,将1900年视为Le年。)
The parts after the seperator denote the time of the day. (分隔符之后的部分表示一天中的时间。)
But it might still have seperate types for date and time (these fell out of favor, for being almsot useless in pracitce). (但是它在日期和时间上可能仍然有不同的类型(这些被废弃了,因为它们在实践中毫无用处)。)
How it displays those values is entirely up to the Excel Version you are viewing it in and the settings it is set to.