I had an sql query that returned the user information, joining his permissions with another table that had his role permissions registered:
SELECT U.*, array_agg(RP.permission) as permission
FROM user U
JOIN role_permissions RP ON RP.role = F.role
WHERE U.email=$1
GROUP BY U.cpf -- U.cpf is the primary key
This returned the following:
cpf: '11111111111',
role: 'c-level',
area: 'Administrativo Financeiro',
permission: [
Now I'm trying to add the areas that he has access to to the query, and I'm trying it with this query:
SELECT U.*, array_agg(RP.permission) as permission,
array_agg(AC.has_access_to) as areas_with_access
FROM user U
JOIN role_permissions RP ON RP.role = F.role
JOIN area_access AC ON AC.area = U.area
WHERE U.email=$1
And I'm getting this as the result:
cpf: '11111111111',
role: 'c-level',
area: 'Administrativo Financeiro',
permission: [
areas_with_access: [
I've already tried Left/Right joining the second table, adding AC.area and AC.has_access_to to the group by clause and nothing happened.
Adding RP.permission to the group by made it return only two permissions, as he only has two areas with access to.
I could just add DISTINCT
to the aggregate functions but I want to know if there's something that I'm doing wrong.
This is the role permissions table:
create table if not exists role_permissions (
role character varying(50),
permission character varying(50),
constraint pk_role_permissions primary key (role, permission),
constraint fk_role_permissions_role foreign key (role) references roles(role) on update cascade on delete cascade,
constraint fk_role_permissions_permission foreign key (permission) references permissions(permission) on update cascade on delete cascade,
This is the area access table:
create table if not exists area_access (
area character varying(50) NOT NULL,
has_access_to character varying(50) NOT NULL,
constraint pk_area_access primary key (area, has_access_to),
constraint fk_area foreign key (area) references area(area) on update cascade on delete cascade,
constraint fk_has_access_to foreign key (has_access_to) references area(area) on update cascade on delete cascade,
constraint ck_area_different CHECK (area != has_access_to)