I am trying to add a backup functionality to my app by using the method i found here.
My backup function:
fun backupDatabase() {
// close database
val appDatabase: MyDatabase = MyDatabase.getInstance(requireActivity().application)
val dbfile: File = requireContext().getDatabasePath(DATABASE_NAME)
val sdir = File(getFilePath(requireContext(), 0), "backup")
val fileName: String = "BACKUP_" + System.currentTimeMillis()
val sfpath: String = sdir.path + File.separator.toString() + fileName
if (!sdir.exists()) {
val savefile = File(sfpath)
try {
if (savefile.createNewFile()) {
val buffersize = 8 * 1024
val buffer = ByteArray(buffersize)
var bytes_read = buffersize
val savedb: OutputStream = FileOutputStream(sfpath)
val indb: InputStream = FileInputStream(dbfile)
while (indb.read(buffer, 0, buffersize).also { bytes_read = it } > 0) {
savedb.write(buffer, 0, bytes_read)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.d(TAG, "ex: $e")
After i call this function, the backup file is successfully created but when i try to do something with the database such as insert an item, I get this error:
E/ROOM: Invalidation tracker is initialized twice :/.
E/ROOM: Cannot run invalidation tracker. Is the db closed?
I am using Android Achitecture Components and this architecture:
How can I reopen my database after my backup is complete?