I have a doubt about comparing two members of an array of structures.
I have my function which receives the indices of two different structures and compares them.
Finally, after all fields have been checked, the function must return an integer indicating similarity.
I made this code:
int compareRecord(RecordSoggetto soggetto1, RecordSoggetto soggetto2) {
int similiarity = 0;
if (strcmp(soggetto1.name, soggetto2.name) == 0)
similiarity += 7;
if (strcmp(soggetto1.surname, soggetto2.surname) == 0)
return similiarity += 7;
I call the function in this way:
Insert first index");
scanf("%d", &first);
Insert second index");
scanf("%d", &second);
similiarity = confrontaRecord(???);
Similiarity= %d%%", similiarity);
But now I don't know what parameters I have to enter when I call the function, also I'm not sure if the parameters inside the function itself are correct
This is the structure:
typedef struct {
char name[DIM_NOME];
char surname[DIM_COGNOME];
} RecordSoggetto;
RecordSoggetto soggetto[DIM_RECORD];
Can you help me?