Goal: I am trying to make Open ID Connect authentication work for swagger-ui on Spring.
Problem: When I click 'Authorize' button on swagger UI, 'Available authentication' modal is empty.
So far:
I have set up security scheme as suggested in the swagger documentation.
API documentation is generated correctly as following.
"components": {
"securitySchemes": {
"openId": {
"type": "openIdConnect",
"openIdConnectUrl": "https://{---}.okta.com/oauth2/default/.well-known/openid-configuration"
## I have omitted the url on purpose but have confirmed that the GET request succeeds.
I read up on similar issues, but most of them points out that swagger-ui for OIDC was not supported prior to 3.38.0. Since I am using springdoc v1.5.2 which has a dependency on swagger-ui v.3.38.0 I don't think this is the cause.
Wondering if anyone out there got things to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.